
Archive for the ‘Unlocking Ravelry’ Category

Last week I posted a suggestion for The List* onto the For The Love of Ravelry forums about a feature I wish existed on my beloved Ravelry. Within an hour, Cassidy implemented my idea… and many people loved it.

My friends, I have tasted power and I want more.

Jk jk. You think that idea was my first and only one? Oh no, dear knitter. I’ve had ideas for a while, but I know most of them are most likely pipe dreams or probably impossible to implement, so I just keep them to myself.

But while Cassidy and the Rav Team might have their hands full creating and running the best social networking site on the internet, it can’t hurt for me to post my ideas here, right? For discussion, to get them off my chest, and maybe to suggest we start using them ourselves anyway.

A lot, if not all, of these ideas are knitting specific simply because I really know nothing about crochet. Sorry, Hookers.


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